Currency Deficit Policy

In the event where any of your currency balance falls into negative balances, there will be interest fees chargeable to the currency in deficit.

Your will be required to either top up your currency balance, or execute currency conversion if any of the following scenario arises:
(i)    The negative balance of any single currency exceeds 50% of the Total Net Equity (TNE) in your group trading account; or
(ii)    The aggregated value of negative currency(ies) your group trading account exceed(s) 80% of the value of your other currency(ies) balances in surplus.

When there is a breach of the above thresholds, reasonable attempts will be made to contact you. If OFIS does not receive any response from you within 48 hours of said breach, OFIS reserves the right to execute the currency conversion on your behalf. OFIS also reserves the right to re-balance your negative currencies as we deem fit within 48 hours of said breach, after which, details of the currency conversion will be provided via e-mail to your designated e-mail address.

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Awards and Recognition

Platinum award of outstanding member conferred by CFFEX (The China Financial Futures Exchange).

China Futures Company Gold Management Team in 2017-2019 (10th and 11th Contest for The Best Futures Institutions & Analysts in China)

Gold Service Award in 2018 (15th and 16th Financial Billboard)

Gold Futures Company in 2018 & 2019 (Securities Times)

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